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September 29, 2005
The rhythm of life - - this is rhythm?
First, the obvious: Things are coming at me so thick and fast that writing hasn't been on the top of my list. Mind you, it hasn't been all bad, it's just that there's been so much of it.
Last weekend we sailed in the Etchells New England Championship in Portland Maine. After three races we were in second place, after six we were tied for third, and after the eight race we were fourth. We had some of the best racing conditions and competition I've ever known. This was sail boat racing at it's finest. I was really pleased with our performance - we sailed a very old boat (hull 79) against some of the newest boats in the New England fleet.
My parents home is
I finished the biography of Alexander Hamilton. It was fantastic: I simply can't recommend the book highly enough. Aside from being extremely well researched and written, the subject is fascinating. But I did walk away with one strong impression - politics in America has gotten more gentle.
Posted by pgutwin at September 29, 2005 6:38 AM