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May 10, 2007

Capital City, State

My oh my. Stockholm is nothing like what I remember from my last visit over 10 years ago. Granted, it was February when I visited, and a bit, hmmm, dark. Now, practically glorious summer, I was treated to a wonderful tour of the inner harbor / city center by Annalena, Beth's college friend. If you have any inclination to visit this country, I couldn't encourage it enough - simply book a flight and hotel, and don't bother with the tour books. About a million tour guide / civic boosters walk the streets every day, just waiting to give you tips and point you in the right direction in lilting english.

You may have gathered that I stayed at the IBIS hotel while I was here. Think about it a second...think again...anything strange? You've seen this before, but just didn't notice it: IKEA, not Ikea.

While I can't explain it, the names of things all seem to be capitalized. I am rushing to contact an expert on the subject and will report more details in the sequel.

Which brings me to my point: If you were to name an electronics store in Sweden, what would you pick? OK, I havn't given you all that much to go on, but here it is - ONOFF.

Just for the record: I think the Swedes are very, very clever, and not in the look-at-me way, but in the awe, shucks sense. Like I said, you owe yourself a visit. Soon.

Posted by pgutwin at May 10, 2007 9:09 AM


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