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July 11, 2007
Let's Eat
I often miss the point of food in nourishing myself. But occasionally I connect with the whole - sensing the parts of my meal for what they are in taste and texture, and where they come from, people and place.
I think it's easy to miss the point of food because we get distracted by the way food is presented. In the store, price and availability crowd out reality. I can buy almost anything I want virtually the whole year 'round. Technology and transportation makes this possible, but it disconnects me from the real world.
Such cheap abundance makes food anonymous as well. An apple from Washington state is the same as one from Addison county, right? Well, sort of. But not really.
I'm really encouraged by the Eat Local movement. It recognizes the value of caring for how our actions effects those around us. I have to admit that I've been disappointed in local produce and products. But that's part of it too - nothing is or should be perfect.
Help me out - ask me where my next meal is going to come from.
Posted by pgutwin at July 11, 2007 9:40 PM