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February 27, 2008

It's All About Me

Andrew Sullivan writes "We are the ones we have been waiting for". This is a big part of the message that I responded to in the Dean campaign - and similarly, in the Obama campaign. It's not about who's in the White House, although that does make a difference.

It's about me - about what I'm willing to stand for in my family, with my friends and my community. That's where the difference is. If I stand for justice and tolerance - If I refuse to respond to the wing-nut fringe of the conservative or liberal cause - I make a difference.

Of course if an ego-centric leader insists on sending an unprepared army into a no-win conflict, I can't stop that, and it can and will have a dramatic impact on my life. But (and here's the really important part) - that doesn't matter so much. I still need to be tolerant and considerate. It's still all about me...

So go ahead - pick your favorite presidential candidate, and vote in the fall. It's doesn't matter that much - it's all about me.

Posted by pgutwin at February 27, 2008 9:32 PM


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