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July 20, 2008

WAY Carbon Neutral

I'm very tired of being a desk slug, but the trouble with my back keeps me from my beloved sport: running. I was out running a couple of times last week and that seemed to go OK, but I could tell that pushing would be very, very bad. <sigh> I keep hoping I can somehow get strong enough that I can start running some significant distances. Hope springs eternal.

Becca has been bugging me to go riding, but I've put her off because I've got equipment issues. Yesterday I finally had the time to get over the the bike store and updated the needed pieces of equipage. Becca and I went out for a ride in the afternoon, and despite the heat and humidity, I had a great time.

Later on we were talking about bikes, and the O-ster told me about a guy riding a bamboo bike. C'mon says I - how can that be?

Craig Calfee knows how that can be. What started as a publicity stunt ended up producing an exiting bamboo bike which is now in production. As the website says, this "is not just a cool bike". It's a reasonable use of material.

Posted by pgutwin at July 20, 2008 10:42 AM


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