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September 24, 2008
Business and Politics
I think Sec. Paulson and Fed Chairman Bernanke may have overlooked a very crucial item: Politics is different than Business. In Business, one is expected to weigh all the available information and make a decision, moving on as needed. In Politics, things don't work that way because no one person is really in charge, and it takes a lot of time for everyone to get up to speed and reach some kind of decision.
And when one shows up asking for a pretty big chunk of the public's money, you're going to get a lot of questions. And then more questions, followed by even more questions.
I actually have no clue if the so-called bailout is a good idea or not. I'm beginning to suspect that no one really does. But I can't change much of any of that, so I'm just going to go back to what I do know how to do: Loving my family, and doing the best job I can with my work.
Posted by pgutwin at September 24, 2008 4:22 PM