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March 31, 2009

From the "Why Bother" Department

It never ceases to amaze me what people find to do with their time. Apparently the Performing Right Society (PRS for Music) has zeroed in on Rosemary Greenway, owner and operator of a private stable in Bushton, Wilts, England. She has the radio tuned to a station that plays music all day (for her four-footed guests) and because Ms. Greenway happens to employ two people who also enjoy the benefit of listening to the radio as well, the PRS insists that she pay a annual license fee of £99 since this is a performance (of sorts).

The mind boggles. Imagine if all stables were to flaunt the law and play music non-stop (without a license) for everyone to hear - the loss to the music industry would be hard to imagine. All those roving bands of musicians who, here to fore had been playing lucrative gigs at horse stables for non-stop music would be suddenly put out of work by callus and scofflaw stable owners. Oh the humanity...

Posted by pgutwin at March 31, 2009 3:32 PM


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