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January 02, 2005

Iced In

Due to a 17-hour Alias Season Two marathon yesterday with my sister, I decided to take my rest day on Saturday this week. I woke up this morning with the full intention of running outside later on this afternoon. After church and my father's birthday lunch, I noticed that it was raining outside. This wouldn't usually be a problem, because I row in the rain and thus am fully prepared to exercise when cold and wet. What I couldn't deal with, however, was the layer of ice that had coated all possible running surfaces outside. It became very clear rather quickly as my siblings and I walked to my car that I wouldn't be able to run on the ice. I was having a tremendous amount of difficulty just walking.

I decided that if I couldn't run outside, then I would run on the treadmill at the gym. Unfortunately, we pulled out of my father's development onto a road where dozens of cars were in a complete standstill. Apparently they had closed all the roads in my town. Thus, I succumbed to the inevitability that I could not make it to the gym and I would most certainly injure myself if I tried to overcome the elements outside. So my family and I spent an enjoyable evening iced in at my father's house watching Babette's Feast instead. Tomorrow, however, my out-of-shape body will not be so lucky.

Posted by rgutwin at January 2, 2005 10:06 PM


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