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February 08, 2005

An Advancement!

I have bad news: the fourth season Alias isn't scheduled to appear in South Africa until sometime in April. It would be somewhat difficult to watch it on campus here anyway, because we have one big TV room, and I wouldn't feel like trying to convince the other students in the room that they should watch some incredibly convoluted show in which they would understand almost nothing about what was going on. But I can't wait until it comes out on DVD and I get to watch the whole season without commercials and week-long gaps of time between episodes!

Posted by rgutwin at February 8, 2005 03:35 AM


Hint, hint, hint, says Becca... fourth season on DVD... mail in South Africa... DVD player on computer... hmmm...

Posted by: she who understands almost nothing about those who watch TV and thinks that they are convoluted... at February 8, 2005 02:00 PM

Okay, first of all, season 4 won't come out on DVD until sometime in the late summer / fall at the very earliest, so the whole mailing thing probably won't work remarkably well. Plus, I don't have my computer here, and my computer doesn't even play DVDs, so there's not much hope of that...

Posted by: Rebecca at February 9, 2005 04:14 AM

that really stinks about alias - it's on tonight here :D but i won't say anything. but that'll make this column a little dry....oh well....

Posted by: anna at February 9, 2005 10:43 AM

yo - last night Sid was in Johannasburg! it was ton's of fun - although she wasn't there for long...or wait...it might have been just vaughn...anyway, they were after sark - oh, and anna e's back :) ok, that's enough spoilers for now. Cya

Posted by: anna at February 24, 2005 09:20 PM

I think i'm the only one posting to this categorie...but oh well....Just thought i'd let you know that the season is getting a little dull... :/ there's not much plot anymore and everything is getting old - but still well worth my time, just not up to the usuall alias calaber. I think they're at least getting better though, which is good. Well that's all the alias update for now!

Posted by: annnnnnnnnnnna at March 3, 2005 11:31 AM

It's good to know that I'm not missing something too gripping. Hopefully it'll get better, though, because it might get taken off the air if it gets bad ratings!

Posted by: Rebecca at March 4, 2005 04:48 AM

It's past sometime in April. Did you get to watch? I suppose not.

Posted by: Diana at May 10, 2005 05:56 PM

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