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February 28, 2005

Bad News for Becca

I have further progress to report on my walking-to-Spar experiment. Crystal and Nicole walked the 3 miles the other day without me, and Crystal reported that she only got 4 honks total, drastically fewer than the 30-something we received. Thus, her conclusion was that it was most definitely me who was attracting the attention. I tried to reason that it was at a different time of the day and thus not comparable, but she said that there was actually more traffic than when we went in the middle of the day.

My theory is that it is mostly because I am tall that I am receiving so much attention. Being tall definitely has its advantages sometimes, but it's rather annoying to stand out all the time. I'm still convinced that it was my attire that attracted some of the attention, so the next time Crystal and I journey over to Spar, I'm going to make sure that every inch of my skin is covered. I will probably overheat and dehydrate and need medical attention, but I can't leave an experiment inconclusive!

Posted by rgutwin at February 28, 2005 02:46 AM


I think you're overlooking something obvious. Do I really need to point this out?

With women height plays a subordinate role ... But both sexes profit from being good-looking.
I think that part is going to be a little bit harder to scientifically manipulate.

Posted by: Diana at February 28, 2005 08:24 AM

I was hoping that people wouldn't read that far into the article...

Posted by: Rebecca at February 28, 2005 10:14 AM

How about this far?

But there is a downside because they are also regarded as vain and lacking modesty.
Better be careful there. And just as your mom pointed out earlier:
With women, the figure is decisive. "Slim women are judged more positively than fat women," Heineck says.

Posted by: Diana at February 28, 2005 02:52 PM

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