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February 19, 2005

Fun Activity Cancelled

My hiking trip to Table Mountain today was disappointingly cancelled. For the first time in about two weeks, it is a rather cloudy day in Cape Town, South Africa, and thus it would be too misty on the mountain to make the trip worthwile. There are quite a few upset students at the University of the Western Cape today...

So the day will be spent trying to find something to do. I will most likely end up doing some of the work that I have assigned for next week, but I also might end up in Cape Town or Belleville or something of the sort. It's kind of nice not to have things scheduled for every hour of the day. And while the ordinary person might be bitter about waking up at 7:00 on a Saturday morning for no reason, I am glad to extend the day of laziness. Having no direct purpose is refreshing.

Posted by rgutwin at February 19, 2005 02:12 AM


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