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February 18, 2005

Fun Things Planned

I don't have a lot of time, as I have spent the morning in an AIDS workshop and have an exam for my Combinatorics class this afternoon. Unfortunately, the computer lab closes at 5:00 on Friday afternoon! My group is headed out to Cape Town this evening, and I am debating whether or not to join them. We get a free ride into Cape Town every Friday night, and I am rising rather early tomorrow morning to join my professor on a hike up Table Mountain. My guess is that I won't end up going, but you never know...

So I'll be hiking all day on Saturday, which I'm looking forward to immensely, and I'm spending the day on Sunday catching up on work and going shopping for food. The kitchen situation should be solved by then, so I might get to start cooking next week! How exciting.

Posted by rgutwin at February 18, 2005 05:42 AM


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