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February 26, 2005

How Did I Get So Busy?

I had a great time at my professor's house last night: she fed me quiche and salad and tropical fruits, and we played two games of Scrabble! The first time, she beat me by 80 points, but I narrowed the margin in the second game so that she won by a slightly-less-humiliating 60 points. We made quite a few good words and had a fun time. I will beat her by the time I leave South Africa...

I have a whole novel to read this weekend, which ordinarily wouldn't be such a big deal, but it's more difficult because I'm also doing things like hiking and visitng a craft market. So hopefully I can get a good chunk of it read before I go hiking from 4:00 to 10:00 tonight, and then I can finish it after the craft market tomorrow morning. I've started reading it, and it's full of lots of South African names and myths and such, making it very difficult for me to follow. It's interesting, though. Just hard for me to read.

Posted by rgutwin at February 26, 2005 03:02 AM


My favorite Scrabble word ever: RAJ. I think I got about 30 points for that, since it has a J and it was on a double points square or something.

So Becca, what does "RAJ" mean?

Or to give a hint: What was the Raj?

(You do this to Anna with math, so I figure it's only fair to do it to you with Scrabble.)

Posted by: Diana at February 26, 2005 07:20 PM

Also, from here

Pope John Paul II is the world's Scrabble champion in the over-70 category.
Who knew? He is also quite sick now, if you did not hear.

Posted by: Diana at February 26, 2005 08:13 PM

yea - so this is not really relavent to this topic, but you don't have a "things-that-super-cool-sisters-do-for-other-sisters-in-south-africa" topic area so i figured here's good enough. So I put up a boulder problem today at the wall and named it "Becca's Design" after you because you need to be pretty tall to do it and it's not easy :) so anyway, thought you'd like to know that a little bit of you is at Cornell. ok, i've got to go have dinner and then study - but i'll talk with ya later!

Posted by: anna at February 27, 2005 06:28 PM

Okay, "Becca's Design" has to stay up at the wall until I can come home and try it! I'm a super good climber... :-P

Posted by: Rebecca at February 28, 2005 02:27 AM

ummm...good idea, except for the fact that i will probably be home by the time you get home....(I just want to put it up here that i HATE MY ROOMATE, ok, that's good for now)

Posted by: anna at February 28, 2005 11:33 AM

Now, Miss Anna, "HATE" is a strong word. Especially when you put it in all caps like that...

Posted by: Rebecca at March 1, 2005 08:20 AM

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