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February 11, 2005

Interval Work

This morning I was going to complete my workout of 1200m x 3 and 400m x 1 on the track, but when I got there at 7:15, there was a rather large event going on in which I was obviously not a participant. So I used my handy GPS device and ran the approx. 600m loop around my dorm until my Forerunner told me to stop running and start resting. As I haven't done any sprinting work since high school, I don't have a very good sense of my relative speed. Each 1200m piece took me approximately 5:20, and the 400m distance took me 1:32. I don't know how accurate the GPS device is, though, so I don't know if those times translate very closely to on-the-track times.

It felt good to be sprinting again, despite my rather painful quads...

Posted by rgutwin at February 11, 2005 03:19 AM


Your GPS splits ought to be pretty close, especially if you have a good signal and the smoothing function is on. GPS signals nowadays are generally accurate to within a few meters.

If you're concerned, you can try running a known course and measuring the distance each time. You should get a distribution of distances whose standard deviation corresponds to the error in position.

Posted by: Karl at February 11, 2005 08:59 PM

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