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February 25, 2005

More Fun Activites (Tentatively) Planned

First, I need to mention that I paid a visit to the library this morning. I had heard that UWC is a very underfunded university and that it's in desperate need for book donations, but I didn't realize how severe the crisis was. I was looking for Anna Karenina, because there wasn't enough room in my suitcase for me to bring it over, and I found that they don't have a single Tolstoy book in English! Perhaps I will have to buy the library a copy of Anna Karenina. I'll look around.

After my three-hour Combinatorics lab this afternoon, I'm heading over to my professor's house to play Scrabble! I'm very excited, because I haven't played any games since I've been here, and Scrabble is most definitely one of my favorite. Depending on whether or not I get back in time, I may or may not head into Cape Town for the evening.

Tomorrow morning I'm heading out at 9:00 to spend the day in or around Cape Town. There's a lot to do in Cape Town, and it would be interesting to find a museum or aquarium or something to go to. In the evening, I'm trying to coordinate a hike up Lion's Head with a few other girls, because the moon is just past full and it would be a beautiful hike. Hopefully that will work out better than last weekend's attempted adventure.

On Sunday morning, I'm taking a taxi to the Green Point Craft Market to a) do some research on Arts and Crafts in South Africa, which I have to present on in a few weeks and b) look around for cool South African crafts that I might want to buy! But I don't really have that much room in my suitcase to bring things home, so I have to budget my space. If anyone wants me to buy them something specific from South Africa, now's the time to speak up.

By the way, it is very important to note that I received two items via the postal service yesterday! Diana sent me a letter, and Miss Jenna Rose Katz made me a Valentine's Day card! It makes me very, very happy to get things in the mail, partly because they help decorate the bare walls in my room. So I have gotten four things from four different people: will you be next? It only costs $.80 to send a card! I feel like I'm worth $.80...

Posted by rgutwin at February 25, 2005 04:15 AM


(1) Do you think that my writing "Please give this letter to Rebecca Gutwin" sped up the process? I thought that was a clever way to get Ms. Janine Paulsen to give it to you faster.

(2) Does Miss Jenna Rose Katz read this blog? If so, she should post comments, because I know altogether very little about Miss Jenna Rose Katz.

(3) You are worth 80 cents, possibly even more than that.

Posted by: Diana at February 25, 2005 08:31 AM

(3a) You had better be worth more than 80 cents; otherwise I'd have to write on scrap paper and send it in a reused envelope.

Posted by: Diana at February 25, 2005 04:10 PM

(1) No, I don't think the added mention of my name on the letter sped up the process at all. The way we get mail here is very unorganized and depends a lot on word of mouth. I don't think she even looked at anything on the letter other than the address. But it was a nice thought, anyway.

(2) I know for a fact that Miss Katz does read this blog. Unfortunately, she is one of those "lurkers" and does not grace us with her comments. Perhaps one day...

(3) Okay, so maybe 85 cents.

Posted by: Rebecca at February 26, 2005 03:17 AM

(1) I am all about nice thoughts.

(2) Miss Katz, stop being a lurker. You are better than that! Make yourself known!

(3) All I've got to say is, you had better be worth more than that.

Posted by: Diana at February 26, 2005 09:45 AM

2) Perhaps Becca will regail us with stories of Ms Katz until she begins to participate...

Posted by: Paul Gutwin at February 26, 2005 11:15 AM

It is I... Miss Jenna Rose Katz and I am here to post. I don't mean to be a lurker, I swear! You are def. worth the 80 cents H and a few posts on your website, I think you should know that just become I am not commenting on this here blog every waking minute of my life, doesn't mean you're still not one of my favorite ppl. There you go Diana, a fact about me, becca is one of my favorite people. I also like chocolate, long walks on the beach, oh um popcorn (even if Karl doesn't appreciate my infacuation with it), candle light dinners.....

Posted by: Jenna at March 7, 2005 01:32 PM

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