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February 16, 2005

Okay, Fine...

My coach has strongly encouraged me to take a week off from training and return with potentially less of an aversion to overtraining and injury. I have reluctantly conceded, as being able to train has given me at least a slight purpose here at the University. Also, all of the people who gave me funny looks in the morning as I ran around campus will now miss my sweaty face!

Before I got Sandra's email this morning, I spent 45 minutes on the bike and 15 minutes lifting. Since I haven't lifted for a while, my quads have rather noticeably diminished in size, and my pants are about 3 sizes too big. I'm hoping that my muscle will return to me soon (after I take a week or two off, that is...).

Posted by rgutwin at February 16, 2005 07:35 AM


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