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February 07, 2005

One Week Down

I have my first class at the University in half an hour, so I don't have an incredibly long time online. The way the computer labs work here is that you go in and sign up for an hour time slot and get a computer number. When your time comes around, you go to your computer and kick off the person that's currently using it. Unfortunately, I only get an hour online a day, so everything that I do has to be in little chunks of time. It'll be so different to get back to HWS and have access to the internet 24 hours a day! Hopefully I'll get rid of some of the unfortunate dependecy I have developed for technology.

Yesterday I attended a Mormon church service in the nearby township of Gugulettu, which was a learning experience on more levels than I anticipated. We took a taxi into town, which was basically like a Volkswagon Vanagon with a few extra rows of seats and a lot more people than imaginable. A few other girls from William Smith were with me, as well as two women from UWC. We spent an hour in the actual service and then 2 hours in classes, and as I had never been to a Mormon church before, I understood only a fraction of what was going on. Let's just say that the experience was interesting and informative, but not one that I'm likely to repeat anytime soon.

Since it was about 90 degrees yesterday, Frances and I spent the rest of the day in our surprisingly cool room, trying to get some work done for our classes that haven't officially met yet. I have a lot of running around left to do today, and hopefully I'll find some time tomorrow to get back online and keep you posted on everything that you probably aren't spectacularly interested in.

Posted by rgutwin at February 7, 2005 04:24 AM


I'm spectacularly interested! Yay!

It's really hot here, too. Like 50 degrees.
50° (that was a test) I'm spectacularly interested! (so was that)

Mormons go to class a lot. In high school they have it for an hour every morning before school. That is a LOT of church, if you ask me, which you didn't. Also, there is something about a book being dug up out of the ground somewhere out west. Also, they have four books, two of which are the OT and NT.

I didn't know you had gone out to restaurants for a month already. In that case, you should... lift. Yup.

I would also like to point out that I do not want to be the sole commentor, because then I have to conclude that I am the only one reading this, which I would otherwise conclude is false.

Happy e day, Becca. (2/7 at 18:28:28 this evening, which is about what it is there right now.)

Posted by: Diana at February 7, 2005 12:49 PM

Hey - just because we lurk doesn't mean we aren't spectacularly interested. Tell us more, especially about the people you're meeting and what drew you to a Mormon church. I suggest doing all assignments long hand/long division to maximize blogging time.

I think it's great to experience other faith traditions and gain an appreciation of the diversity of human responses to God, as well as the similarities.

How were classes? How's the food prep situation?

Hi to Frances.

Posted by: Beth at February 7, 2005 09:12 PM

I decided to go to the Mormon church without realizing that it was actually such a church in a nearby township. Some other students on the trip were going, and I asked to tag along to potentially find somewhere to go regularly on Sundays. Alas, I will not be visiting the Mormon church regularly. But the experience was very interesting and not one that I would have been able to have otherwise, so I'm very glad that I went.

Posted by: Rebecca at February 8, 2005 03:35 AM

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