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February 23, 2005

Rest Week is Over!

I like it when I reach the end of rest weeks, because after about 7 days of doing absolutely nothing athletic, my body gets rather anxious and excited to start moving again! So I spent an hour on the bike today very lightly, because the point of this rest week / rest days is to see if I've been overtraining and to try to help the situation.

I also lifted at around 55%, although the percentages and weights are very approximate because a) I usually lift in pounds, not kilograms, and b) since a kilogram is about twice as heavy as a pound, 5 kilograms is much more than 5 pounds, and there are no weights in the gym that are less than 5 kilograms. So I will be making a rather large jump when I eventually increase my weights. We'll tackle that hurdle when we get there, I guess.

Posted by rgutwin at February 23, 2005 03:32 AM


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