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February 08, 2005

Running Again

As of Monday, I've been running in the morning around campus before the sun really rises and makes the day unbearably hot. Even though I'm training with my Forerunner this week, I'm refusing to be concerned about pace or distance, as I have already injured myself trying to run too fast too soon. I also purchased a membership to the gym on campus for R100, so I'll be lifting hopefully on a regular basis. It feels good to start training again, but now I'm really concerned about not being able to get proper nutrition to recover. Protien shakes and energy bars like Clif and Luna bars are nonexistent here, and I had to look very closely to find one grocery store that sells one kind of granola bars. Therefore, I have to be inventive in my food sources, which is difficult when I don't have regular access to a store. Maybe training with lower quality nutrition will make my body appreciate all the good things I put into it when I'm in the United States. We shall see...

Posted by rgutwin at February 8, 2005 03:43 AM


You know, the world-record-holder in the marathon before Paula Radcliffe weighed 85 pounds. Granted, she was 4'11", but if you don't eat anything, then you will run faster effortlessly because your body will have less to carry!

"Look on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, look on the sunny side of liiiiiiife!"

Posted by: Diana at February 8, 2005 02:02 PM

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