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February 24, 2005


The gym opens at 7:30, so this morning at 7:35 I walked into the Sport and Rec building, put my books in a locker, and headed out to the track. I figured that since I was running, I would rather run around and around on the same track for a while instead of up and down on a treadmill indoors. Unfortunately, people were setting up for some event on the track, so I was forced to head to the weight room and spend a quality 35 minutes with the treadmill. The interesting thing about the excercise equipment here is that everything is in units of kilograms and kilometers rather than pounds and miles. There's also a cool button on the treadmill that says "5K": if you press it, you're put through a hilly 5K course. I would not want to run a 5K on a treadmill. But for that matter, I wouldn't want to row a 5K on an erg, either...

Posted by rgutwin at February 24, 2005 04:18 AM


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