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February 11, 2005

The Weekend is Almost Upon Us

I have my last class of the week from 2:00 to 5:20 this afternoon, and then I get to enjoy another relaxing weekend at UWC. On Saturday morning we're going to Robben Island and Kirstenbosch, which should be a fun excursion. And on Sunday evening I'll be dining at my professor's flat, which will be an incredibly welcome diversion from my daily diet of lots of peanut butter and bread.

After my class this afternoon, I'm heading down the road to attend a 10 Years of Democracy celebration. Current President Mbeki will be speaking, and it should be a highly educational experience. We're leaving for Robben Island at 7:00 tomorrow morning, though, and this even is expected to run rather late into the evening, so it looks like it'll be a night with less sleep than I've been getting used to...

The first member of our group of 26 students is leaving shortly. Apparently her experience in South Africa wasn't living up to her expectations, both academically and socially. I don't know if I'll have a chance to speak with her before she leaves, but it seems inconceivable to me to try to leave here now and pick classes up at HWS that started a month ago. I hope that she finds herself more challenged when she gets back to the United States. Personally, I'm glad to not have to endure that 18 hour flight again for a few months.

Posted by rgutwin at February 11, 2005 03:04 AM


Hi Becca. I'm in the process of changing my Internet provider. I'm using Uncle Bobs computer right now because my computer was disconnected from my present provider and my new one won't be connected until Feb.17th. When I am up and running again I will letyou know my new email address.We do enjoy reading about your adventures. Love Ya,Gramps

Posted by: Grandpa Bill at February 11, 2005 11:06 AM

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