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February 28, 2005

This is getting to be a pattern...

Alas, my hiking excursion on Saturday evening didn't work out because 1) Calvin's taxi service was all booked, 2) Roger was going to charge just Frances and I for the whole bus, and 3) it was going to take too long to take regular taxis into Cape Town. So Frances and I stayed in, got some work done, and watched some TV series on DVD. Hopefully we'll really go hiking next weekend up Table Mountain...

I called Calvin again to make sure that he could take me to the Craft Market on Sunday morning, and it turned out that he was out of vehicles for Sunday, too! So I spent literally all of yesterday in my room, except for my trips down the hall to the kitchen, a run mid-day, and a walk around campus to photograph various skylines on a clear day. If I don't go hiking next Sunday, I'm going to find a way to get to Green Point Craft Market... Maybe my professor will take me.

So, needless to say, I got a lot of work done this weekend, although I still have a few hundred pages to read before classes tomorrow. I wish that I had a car here, although I guess that would be a bad idea since I really don't know how to drive on the left side of the road. There's going to be a complicated adjustment process once I get back to the United States. I am most definitely looking forward to regaining my independence as a licensed driver.

Posted by rgutwin at February 28, 2005 02:28 AM


Dude, relax. You have like four months over there.

Or get a bicycle or something. I mean, a woman without a bicycle is like a fish without a man.


Posted by: Diana at February 28, 2005 08:29 AM

You wouldn't have the same attitude if you were spending every weekend in your room. And Bellville is a 30-minute highway drive from Cape Town, so it's not really possible to bike in, overlooking the fact that I don't have any access to bicycles. And BTW, I have three months here, not four. 3x4 = 12, which seems short in my opinion...

Posted by: Rebecca at February 28, 2005 10:17 AM

Um, I do spend every weekend in my room. That and the library. Yeah, they actually keep the library open on the weekend here. Williams is awesome that way. :)

You got there on January 31 and you're returning on May 30. Isn't that four months? Am I missing something?

Posted by: Diana at February 28, 2005 02:43 PM

The way I see it, I didn't spend $2,000 on plane tickets to come here and sit in my room all weekend. And I was previously referring to the fact that I have less than three months left in South Africa

Posted by: Rebecca at March 1, 2005 07:06 AM

Oh, three months left. That makes more sense now.

Posted by: Diana at March 1, 2005 08:24 AM

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