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February 14, 2005

Timed 8K

I am not such a fan of the timed 8K, although much of that probably has to do with the fact that I completed it in 90 degree weather, minimal wind, and scorching sun. Yes, I am in South Africa, but I can avoid those elements if I strategically run before 8:00 am. However, it was a late night on Saturday, and I didn't wake up until 9:30 on Sunday morning. Thus, I did my timed 8K yesterday in slightly-less-than-ideal circumstances.

I ran 8K in 40:39, averaging a 5:02 minute km (which comes out to be somewhere around an 8:09 minute mile), which was rather disappointing by my standards. However, it's understandable, and I have no where to go except to get better from here.

This morning I went for a nice 45 minute recovery run, although I'm not particularly sore or affected by the timed run yesterday. My knee and hip flexor are starting to become rather painful, and I seriously hope that they don't give me any problems in the near future... I'm returning to the gym this afternoon to lift and potentially get some more cardio in on the bike.

Posted by rgutwin at February 14, 2005 03:22 AM


how's the arm buddy holding up in such conditions? did the thing tell you how far you are from home? we miss you here in the gym!!

Posted by: sharon at February 15, 2005 10:51 PM

My Virtual Buddy has been great. I don't like running on the track because it feels way too monotonous, so this way I can run around campus and know exactly how far I've run and how fast I'm going! And I turned it on both in Johannesburg and here at the University, so I know that UWC is 787 miles from Joburg and something like 7880 miles away from home.

Posted by: Rebecca at February 16, 2005 07:51 AM

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