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February 15, 2005

Unsuccessful Morning

I woke up at 6:00 this morning to go for a nice 8 mile long run, only to discover that it was fairly impossible for me to include my right leg in anything faster than a slow walk. I ran on it for about 30 minutes, which was probably too long and rather damaging to my future attempts to run. I might head to the gym this afternoon, but my coach has advised me that I should probably be taking a week or two off to stave off any potential overtraining.

I must say, I am not a huge fan of getting up at 6:00 in the morning when I accomplish almost nothing before the time in which I could have comfortably slept in...

Posted by rgutwin at February 15, 2005 03:44 AM


Isn't "8 mile long run" somewhat of an oxymoron, Becca? I am just about to head out on an "8-mile general aerobic run."

(Other people would say, "isn't 'nice 8 mile long run' an oxymoron?" but not me.)

I hope your legs feel better soon.

Out of curiosity, what was the purpose of the timed 8k? A benchmark upon which to measure future training, or to see your current level of fitness, or...?

I found that my legs felt awful most of the time I was in Japan, which I later decided was because of a combination of heat, humidity, and altitude. But while I was there, I was afraid it was because of out-of-shape-ness. (It wasn't.) Good luck with that.

Posted by: Diana at February 15, 2005 08:22 AM

For me, right now, an 8 mile run is rather long, given that I haven't run for over 45 minutes in a month or so, and before then, I didn't run anything over an hour and 15 minutes.

The timed 8K was per instruction by my coach.

And in terms of my legs, I definitely have a pulled muscle or something which is apparently a result of having legs that aren't built very well for running...

Posted by: Rebecca at February 15, 2005 10:45 AM

Yeah, after I went running I was intending to put a "just kidding" addendum on there, but I guess I didn't do that... 8 miles is quite a long run, and anytime you go out for a long run and are forced to give up after 30 uninspiring minutes, well, that is no fun.

Too bad about your legs not being built for running. It could be worse -- they could be not built for walking, or standing, or sitting, or...

Posted by: Diana at February 15, 2005 04:09 PM

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