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February 23, 2005

Visual Confirmation

I sent film into Snapfish last week, and they've already put my pictures online! So now everyone can visit my album and receive visual confirmation that I'm actually in South Africa. I like Snapfish, although it was somewhat expensive to mail my disposable camera from South Africa to the United States. I think I'll just bring home the other two cameras in May, so this might be all of the pictures you get for a while...

I am starting to go into internet overload, and I've been spending less than half the time online here than I do at HWS. The rule that students are only allowed one hour of internet per day is apparently rather difficult to enforce, so if I go into the lab and just sit down at a computer that happens to be unoccupied, I can stay there until the next person kicks me off. And I can go at multiple times of the day. Seeing as how there isn't much else to do on campus, I've been surfing the web more than I probably should. But the extra time comes in handy when I actually need to get things done, like caption my photos on Snapfish!

I wish that I could post photos on my blog, but I think the firewall here or the slow server makes it rather difficult. I will eventually find a way, though. I think.

Posted by rgutwin at February 23, 2005 03:24 AM


so is Francis getting more comfortable with bugs?

Posted by: mom at February 23, 2005 07:27 PM

She's okay with bugs in general, but she can't deal with spiders. And we found out in Kruger that her anxiety medication really doesn't do anything. So I've been killing a lot of spiders in our suite...

Posted by: Rebecca at February 24, 2005 03:43 AM

i think you should transplant the spiders outside vs. killing them. it could help Francis to see you valuing the wee little lives (and if not - at least the spiders would apprciate the consideration!)

Posted by: mom at February 24, 2005 09:55 PM

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