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February 25, 2005

What? A Girl in the Weight Room?

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I haven't seen any other girls in the weight room here (except for the one who works at the desk...). I guess I don't see that many girls on the actual weights at HWS, and since UWC has a (very) limited supply of cardiovascular equipment, the lack of girls makes some sense. But it's still weird to be the only woman in a room full of 15 or 20 men, all lifting super heavy weights and making rather interesting faces.

After my 45 minutes on the bike this morning, I decided to add a few activities to my list of lifts. I did 10 x 3 on standing row, leg press, seated row, leg extension, hamstring curl, and tricep press. I am not free squatting at the moment because 1) if there are really heavy weights on the bar when I get to it, and I need to remove 30 kgs from each side, the bar tips over when I take of the 20 kg weight, which is really dangerous, and 2) the leg press looks to me to simulate the rowing motion much more closely. When I do my heavy lifting this summer, I'll probably add the free squat back in.

Posted by rgutwin at February 25, 2005 04:28 AM


I always wonder why guys who weigh twice as much as me leave their weights on the bar, so that I have to take them off if I want to use it. Are they leaving them there as a favor to the next person, so that they won't have to lift heavy weights on all alone? Or is it, as I have postulated, sloth? I think it is the latter.

And I think you should keep lifting (duh) despite being the only girl, and if you see someone leave weights on the free squat, just walk up to him (because it would be a him) and tell him to take off the weights, or at least to get on the other side to balance it while you do. Then this is more fair. Happy lifting.

Posted by: Diana at February 25, 2005 08:39 AM

I think if this ever happens, you should go up to one of the guys and pleasantly ask him to adjust the weight on the bar. He'll do it, no questions asked, because he wants to impress you ...

Posted by: Karl at February 26, 2005 08:04 AM

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