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March 15, 2005

A Not-So-Much-Recovery Run...

It's important to mention that Frances and I have a squeaky door. This means that whenever she wakes up, I wake up, because she inevitably has to use the squeaky door every morning. So I was going to take Tuesday off again this week, because I've been really, really tired, but I figured that since I was up anyway, I'd go for a run.

Also, the Forerunner that Mom got me for Christmas has been amazing, because I get all sorts of information while I'm running without having to do complicated math in my head. However, it's not so great for encouraging me to run slower when I'm tired, because the really super competitive part of me wants to beat my previous run's pace every time. So I end up running faster than I probably should, but that's the way I tend to train. I spent 45 minutes running around campus this morning, and then 15 minutes running around my dorm to shower and get dressed, and then 10 minutes running to class, an hour class break, and then 15 minutes running from class to my dorm to try to get some breakfast before I went on my shopping trip. It's been a hectic morning...

Posted by rgutwin at March 15, 2005 08:13 AM


The best way to make sure a run is a recovery run is to stop running for a moment, look around, and realize how incredibly beautiful your surroundings are.

Posted by: Diana at March 16, 2005 12:11 AM

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