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March 22, 2005

An Entertaining Weekend

Although some of my plans fell through, I actually got off campus a few times this weekend! On Friday night, Frances and I found a small, out-of-the-way Chinese food place that served us a relatively tasty dinner. After dinner, we still had slightly under two hours to kill on Long Street, and after following a couple around until they were sufficiently sketched out, we hung out in the internet café and had a chat about the men, or lack thereof, who have influenced our lives. Frances' experience beats mine, hands down.

On Saturday, I planned to go into Cape Town and visit the District Six museum with Nikki and Crystal, but the man who's in charge of our transportation just randomly cancelled the ride, and we walked one and a half miles to the Spar down the road. Perhaps because it was Saturday, or maybe because we were in a group of three, but we got considerably fewer honks than we usually do. We had a great time walking and chatting, and when they mentioned that they were going to a Freshlyground concert and asked if I wanted to come along, I said I would be there.

Shaun picked us up a little after 7:00, and after hanging out near the theatre for slightly over an hour, we paid our 30 rand to go in and await the band's arrival. Nikki, being the avid concert-goer that she is, hung out near the stage, while Crystal and I had a comfortable experience on the couch at the back. Shaun was nice enough to drive us both there and back, and we returned to campus at the modest hour of 1:00 am.

On Sunday, I slept in (which entailed waking up at 8:00 instead of 7:00...), and watched a few movies and played a few games of solitaire while Frances was out shopping. I got a little bit of work done, but since Monday was a national holiday and UWC actually observes national holidays, I knew that I had another full day to procrastinate. My dad and Beth called shortly after 4:00 in the afternoon, and we talked for an hour and a half or so. It was so nice to hear a familiar voice from home!

After my run on Monday morning, I spent the majority of the day reading Confessions of a Gambler by Rayda Jacobs, because she's coming to speak to my class later this afternoon. Her novel was incredibly interesting, and I'll be flying home with it at the end of May if anyone wants to read said novel. Monday was a bizarre day because it was like another Sunday on campus, minus all the worship services everywhere: almost everything was completely shut down, and only a few people littered the campus when I went out for a walk sometime in the afternoon. When they all started piling in again this morning, I was rather glad to see the campus at its normal capacity again...

Posted by rgutwin at March 22, 2005 07:34 AM


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