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March 02, 2005

Another Female in the Gym!

This morning, as I was merrily peddling away on my stationery bicycle in a very warm weight room filled with a lot of sweaty men, another woman walked in and made use of the vacant recumbent bike next to me! I was very happy for the slight shift in the ratio of testosterone to estrogen in the room, and although she didn't make use of the plethra of weights like I did, it was one of the only times that I've seen other females in the gym. It's strange, because although there seems to be a high emphasis placed on body image and weight loss here, not that many people actually excercise. At all.

After 45 minutes of biking and about 20 minutes of lifting, I headed out of the warmest place on campus and jogged back to my dorm. I'm very glad that I don't have any morning classes on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, because this way I have time to get back to my room and remove my sweatiness before I face the 14,000 students at UWC.

Posted by rgutwin at March 2, 2005 09:27 AM


It's spelled "plethora" ;-).

Posted by: Paul Gutwin at March 4, 2005 09:29 PM

Smartypants. That's like Squarepants, only worse... :-P

Posted by: Rebecca at March 5, 2005 02:44 AM

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