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March 18, 2005

Another (Frustrating) Injury

My ankle has been bothering me since late December. For some reason, the lower lateral area of my right leg hurts sometimes, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with my workouts or other activities. When I got to Johannesburg, it started hurting about two days into the trip, but the pain went away after a few days and just started recurring late yesterday. Now it's to the point where any time I try to use the ligaments near my right ankle, I get an unpleasant twinge of pain. I'm going to take Saturday and Sunday off from running and see how I feel.

This morning I spent an hour on the bike and 20 minutes with the weights, as usual. I've got to start thinking of ways to spice it up a bit, but I also like routine workouts. And plus, when I decide to do something a little more involved, I always end up going a little harder than I should...

Posted by rgutwin at March 18, 2005 04:48 AM


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