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March 14, 2005

Cecil Esau

My friend has configured her laptop so that she can plug into the ports in the library, and she offered to let me upload my photos! I've put some online in my Snapfish album, and more are on the way when I find someone else camped out in the library. In the meantime, here's a view of my dorm:

Cecil Esau

My room is behind the fifth and sixth windows from the left on the ground floor(the first two are Crystal and Christina's room, and the third and fourth are the bathroom). I have to get going, but I'll post some more pictures from off campus soon!

Posted by rgutwin at March 14, 2005 07:27 AM


Thanks for posting the pictures, Becca. They're really nice.

Posted by: Diana at March 15, 2005 01:37 AM

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