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March 17, 2005

Fire on Campus!

After camping out in the library for a few hours yesterday, I decided to take a 10 minute walk to the International Relations office to see if Janine had any more of an idea of how I can register for number theory next term. On my way, I had to walk past a portion of the nature reserve that is enclosed within the campus fence. As I approached, I noticed that it was rather smoky out, and I just figured that someone was having a bonfire or braai or something somewhere. But as I passed by the reserve, I saw huge (rather warm) flames! It was obvious that this fire was not intentional, because it was really, really close to buildings, and it looked very uncontrolled. I kept walking, because I didn't want to be one of those people who stands around gawking and getting in the way, but it was pretty cool to see. Somewhat scary, but still pretty cool. Nothing like that would ever happen in Geneva, and if it did, everyone on campus would know about it. When I got to class later last night, most people hadn't even heard about it!

In reference to my post yesterday, I think that everyone on the trip is starting to get a little burned out and somewhat frustrated with little things that are accumulating into bigger issues. My friend and I were talking about how we don't want to look back on our semester in South Africa with major regrets, but the program is somewhat poorly designed in a few areas that are falling below our expectations. Even though nothing can really be changed for us at this point, I think that HWS is going to get enough negative feedback from the students here that quite a few things will change for the next group. I knew that we would be the guinea pigs, and I completely admit that the professors and program directors at HWS are doing the best they can to make this experience as enjoyable as possible for us. It's just somewhat discouraging when even the most optimistic on the trip are starting to get a little down...

Posted by rgutwin at March 17, 2005 10:11 AM


Hello ! Got this link from Niki's LiveJournal pages.

Just read through your blog, it's sad to think that you guys have ended up being in the dodgy part of the Western Cape. There is sooo much to do and see in South Africa, but as you guys keep saying, without transport you are stuck.

I hope things get sorted out and that you guys experience SA as its ment to bee seen, and not from some dodgy dorm rooms in the middle of a 'getto' area.

Anyway poke Niki and tell her and Crystal I say hi.

Posted by: Shaun at March 17, 2005 01:37 PM

I am pretty sure that it is okay to stand and watch a fire. So long as you stayed a reasonable distance away, you would not bother the firefighters, and fires are pretty awesome acts of nature. I think that watching a fire is like watching a powerful waterfall or a strong wind, and is just as captivating and moving.

Now you have evidence when you tell people you should be able to get out of your dorm in case of a fire!

Posted by: Diana at March 17, 2005 01:55 PM

You should put a little fire under some program leaders and get some more exploring of South Africa going!!! Can I help at this end - maybe respectfully proding the HWS director(s)? It would be a shame to go all that distance and not be able to experience the country to a full degree.

Posted by: mom at March 17, 2005 08:08 PM

I have mixed feelings about living in the dorms here at UWC. While it would be great to be in the nicer parts of Cape Town and experience more of what South Africa has to offer to me, it's also an invaluable experience to live with students who don't have the opportunity to do so. I just wish we felt a little more connected to the wonderful part of South Africa that everyone has been talking about.

I don't think there's much that can be done at this point, and I have a feeling that most students' parents are raising quite a fuss back at HWS. Hopefully our experience will benefit future groups to come...

Posted by: Rebecca at March 18, 2005 04:11 AM

One of the many attributes you have is your ability to compartmentalize.

How would you feel about taking the initiative and logging all of the issues that are negatively affecting your time in SA.

What would your, or some of the others equally affected, suggestions be to resolve those issues.

For instance: Could/would the school purchase or lease (bus?) transportation to take you to a predetermined destination on a regular basis? If not, is there a student group or organization that might organize the said transpo at a reasonable cost with a small fee for those that use it? Would the students' parents want to get involved? How many probable solutions are there to this dilemma.

I would hate to see you look back on this experience with regret. Fortunately the hostile environments I was in in other countries. I was a male and a Marine.

The question I will ask you is: Can you come up with a solution that will transend your gender in this area.

How would you present to HWS a positive approach to changing the present situations before you return from SA.

Posted by: Bruce at March 19, 2005 06:47 PM

The colleges in Geneva have paid for two round trips per week into Cape Town, and one to the shopping mall at Tyger Valley. Given the problematic situation we've already dealt with so far this semester, and the issue that South Africa has with transportation in general, there really isn't anything else that HWS can do. They're pretty much at or over the budget they've alloted for this trip, so they're not really in the financial situation to cater to our transportation desires. And there are enough opportunities around that if I had money to spend, I could get to wherever I wanted. Unfortunately, I have the budget of a college student... :-)

Posted by: Rebecca at March 22, 2005 07:32 AM

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