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March 09, 2005

Food Purchase Issue

Wednesday has become my new favorite day of the week, because I get to go shopping for my weekly supply of food! I have had fun cooking and experiencing the freedom of eating what I want to eat (that is, when I take the time to make it...).

I do have somewhat of a problem, though. I buy both fresh and non-perishable items at the store, and since food in South Africa seems to have fewer preservatives and thus doesn't last as long, I have to eat a lot of the fresh food before I can start on the shelf food. Also, once I open things, I have to keep eating a lot of them until they're gone. For example, I bought a jar of pasta sauce two weeks ago and an still trying to eat enough pasta to be able to finish it! So I still haven't eaten the rice or soup or other interesting and yummy things that I bought over two weeks ago, because I keep getting so much fresh food!

Therefore, in conclusion, I wish that they made fresh food in smaller containers that lasted longer. This week, I refrained from purchasing many perishable items, so hopefully I'll be able to have fun with my rice soon. I also found this veggie burger mix that sounds really, really yummy. I might pick some of that up next week...

Posted by rgutwin at March 9, 2005 10:04 AM


yey! the food situation does sound good - i wish i had the time and a ride every wed to get food. Are there any other vegetarians in your group or that you know? How about South African's?? is it like it is here? I was in the library today and saw a bunch of books about Africa and other countries - titles like "Germany and Africa" and "The United States and Africa", very fun titles....anyway

Posted by: anna at March 9, 2005 07:58 PM

can you put serving size amts in ziploc bags and freeze them? (I mean like sauce) The fresh fruit and veggies are a bit tricky. And it's a challenge buying and preparing for one! I found it so much easier dealing with "family sizes".

Posted by: mom at March 9, 2005 11:12 PM

Vegetarianism in South Africa isn't widely practiced, as the culture is centered heavily around meat. However, there are two other girls in my group who are vegetarians, and yesterday I saw my first frozen fake meat products in the grocery store! But we have a major issue with the freezer, because it's so small and really, really crowded. So it's not really a good idea to try to freeze my extra sauce or frozen meat, because as a priority I have to freeze half of my loaf of bread since it starts going moldy within four to five days!

Posted by: Rebecca at March 10, 2005 10:43 AM

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