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March 23, 2005

Goals and Aspirations

Rayda Jacobs came to the university yesterday to speak with us about her novel. As I sat there listening to her talk about her motivations for writing the book and the process it entailed, I realized that I've never heard an author speak on a piece of literature before that I've read. It was very interesting to hear how passionate she is about writing: any of us would be lucky to have such a clear desire in life.

I am happy to announce that I have finally figured out the remaining eight courses I have left to take at HWS! Well, I have one open course in the spring next year for an elective of my choosing, but my schedule is now set for the rest of my time as an undergraduate. Math, computer science, psychology, and acting will entertain me next semester. My senior spring, I'll be taking more math, computer science, philosophy, and something else. And I must say that I'm a huge fan of the Good Society minor, as it is probably the most versatile minor around. I like it when I can design my own program for things...

This does not mean, however, that I have all of next year planned out or that I have any clue what I'm doing after I graduate in 14 months. I'm looking into doing honors work next year, but that depends on whether or not I can find a topic interesting enough to occupy my time for a year. And as of right now, I don't have any plans on graduate school, but that also depends on what I discuss with my advisor back in Geneva about my options once I graduate. I'm not particularly thrilled right now about the idea of aquainting myself with a whole different school. Twice is enough for me.

Posted by rgutwin at March 23, 2005 05:33 AM


I am so extremely psyched about the acting as I believe you are a natural - an inspired choice indeed! It will be a blast - I'm beginning to recruit for your claque as we speak ...

Can you pick a professor you like and design an independent study? That could be a great experience - just a thought.

Carry on and keep us "posted"!

Posted by: Beth at March 23, 2005 06:22 PM

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