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March 15, 2005

Highlight of the Week Moved to Tuesday

As many of you know, because I've pointed it out a few dozen times, I have my weekly shopping trip into Tyger Valley on Wednesdays for three hours. However, due to some student's complaints, the trip has been moved to Tusdays. Therefore, I have to get a workout in, shower, go to class, and eat breakfast all before 10:00 in the morning. I guess that I can't complain that I'm too bored on Tuesday mornings, although now this means that my Wednesdays will be really slow. I don't have class until 5:30 in the evening on Wednesdays...

By the way, if anyone has a really simple, quick recipe that doesn't involve too many ingredients and can be cooked in a kitchen the size of a sardine can, please send it my way! I'm looking for easy things to make to put over rice and more interesting pasta dishes. Although, I have to say that given my lack of culinary skill, I've actually been enjoying quite a variety of food thus far this semester. My cooking tends to involve lots of eggs and pasta and bread. I can't wait until I get home and have real (skilled) people to cook for me!

I looked for Maple Syrup in Pick 'n Pay today, because I made French Toast on Sunday morning, and I only had a raw sugar packet and butter to top it. Generally, people use a generic "syrup" here for their pancakes and yogurt and stuff like that, but I actually found maple flavored syrup! There was real (ahem, Canadian) maple syrup on the shelf, but at over $10 for a very small bottle, I decided to stay within my college student budget and purchase the $1.50 fake one. I wish I brought real stuff with me...

Posted by rgutwin at March 15, 2005 08:19 AM


Cook pasta and drain it. While it is still really hot, break an egg into it and stir it around. The hot pasta will cook the egg.

Posted by: Diana at March 15, 2005 10:32 AM

The fake stuff is better anyway.

[Oh no! I said that in full view of Vermonters! Run for cover!]

Posted by: Diana at March 16, 2005 06:32 PM

When I was younger, I used to think that the fake stuff was better, too, because we only ever had the real stuff. But the fake stuff here tastes more like molasses than maple anything, and it's really, really thick. So in this case, real maple syrup is not even remotely comparable to the fake stuff...

Posted by: Rebecca at March 17, 2005 06:53 AM

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