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March 04, 2005

Impressive Stuff

I am prone to be relatively unimpressed by men's strength in the weight room, because I think it's somewhat ridiculous to spend hours and hours a week lifting weights for the sole purpose of having abnormally large muscles. However, since the bike I use faces all of the weights, I have nothing else to look at except the dozen men who are lifting really heavy things. This morning, one guy proceeded to bicep press much more than his body weight, so that when he was finished with his reps, he held on to the handles and lifted his feet off the floor, and the machine lifted him up! And then there was this guy who was leg pressing 140 kgs: that's more than twice my body weight!

So I spent an hour on the bike this morning while I was observing all of these impressive feats, and then I proceeded to lift my (slowly increasing) weights. I can't wait until I get home for the summer so that after I use all of the weights (in pounds) at the gym, I can get lots of protein in my body to help my muscles grow. Protein shakes and bars are not particularly popular here, as I have yet to see them sold anywhere here.

Posted by rgutwin at March 4, 2005 05:38 AM


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