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March 10, 2005

More Post!

The tally is now up to five pieces of mail from five different family and friends! My grandparents sent me two cards that arrived yesterday in one envelope so as to provide more surface area to cover my wall! I am very excited that so many people have taken the time to send me something, and I still have two and a half months here. I am expecting more cards and letters where those came from, folks.

I'm glad that this week is almost over, although it seems like every week here at UWC seems to fly by, which makes my remaining time here seem very short. I got sick this weekend and had a total of four papers due this week, which was a little excessive. In addition, I have another combinatorics exam tomorrow. I can't believe that my class is ending in two weeks. But, then, on to number theory it is! Maybe HWS should consider these term courses...

Posted by rgutwin at March 10, 2005 06:09 AM


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