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March 10, 2005

Not Just Post! A Package!

This afternoon I had to walk all the way across campus to the International Relations Office to ask Janine a question about registering for number theory next term. As I was sitting at her desk, I saw a package in the corner of the room that looked remarkably familiar. So, I asked her if it was for me, and it was! Diana sent me a spectacular assortment of goodies from the United States, which has definitely made my week!

Thus, I have accumulated the following statistics about the postal service:
(1) It takes approximately 7 days for a package to get from South Africa to the United States.
(2) It takes approximately 12 days for a package to get from the United States to South Africa
(3) It takes approximately 10 days for a letter to get from the United States to South Africa
(4) I'm not really sure about the amount of time it takes for a letter to get from South Africa to the United States. A little help here?

Posted by rgutwin at March 10, 2005 10:50 AM


Familiar? I don't think I have ever sent you a package covered with yellow smiley face stickers before. I pride myself on each package being adorned differently from the last! Oh, familiar handwriting? familiar levels of excessive decoration? Oh... I see.

I was wondering when you would get it. They said 6-7 days. It has been a more than 6-7 days. But the next-slowest mode of postage was 4-6 weeks, by ship. Ha, ha, ha.

Did you notice that I had to declare, on a sticker affixed to the back of the package, exactly what was in there, and exactly how much it was worth? I was a little bummed out about having to do that. After all, when you get a package, it's exciting to figure out what's inside -- you don't want to be told on the outside! Also, I was a little sad to have to declare the value of a letter as 0. It makes sense economically, but I don't think the value is really zero. Oh, and after I left, I realized that I forgot to declare some of the things that were in there (I had about an inch to write down what, eight items?) and I was concerned that maybe that was why it was taking so long to get there, because they saw something in the package that I didn't declare. But perhaps not.

Posted by: Diana at March 10, 2005 01:51 PM

(2) It may have taken shorter than that and then sat in Janine's office.
(4) The first one took 12 days; the second took 10 days.

Why do you call the things I send from other countries "goodies"? That's what you called the contents of the package I sent you when I returned from Japan, if you recall, which you don't, but I do. Just wondering.

Maybe if you sent letters to more people, you would get more letters.

Am I supposed to announce receipt of letters, too? Becca sent me two letters! Maybe the next time I get one, I'll post the news. Post!

Posted by: Diana at March 10, 2005 10:01 PM

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