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March 18, 2005

South Africa Gets Hot in the Summer...

For those of you who don't know, South Africa is beginning to head from summer into fall. What is "spring break" in Geneva is "fall break" here (which made me think a little harder than usual the first time I heard it). Supposedly, the western cape's climate is similar to that of California's, although I haven't lived in California since I was six years old, so I can't evaluate that statement very accurately. What I do know is that it has been close to 90 degrees this week, with the 10 day forecast looking (slightly) cooler. What does one do on a 90 degree day at the University of the Western Cape? Stay indoors as much as possible, and avoid the third, fourth, fifth, ..., fourteenth floors of buildings like sketchy baboons.

Actually, the only building on campus with 14 "floors" is the library, but the floor reference is deceptive because of the way the building has been designed. It's pretty neat: you enter on the fifth "floor", and to get to any of the other ones, you walk around and around this huge spiral ramp that goes up like so:

The library is air conditioned, which makes it a rather pleasant place to camp out in when it's 90 degrees outside...

I never thought the sentiment would pass from my lips, but I'm glad that fall and winter are shortly on their way. I guess it's not really passing from my lips, eh? More from my surprisingly-moisturized hands in the middle of Geneva's brutal winter. I hear that it's starting to warm up a bit on the eastern coast, though, so perhaps my attempts to blow some of the extra-warm air in a north-westerly direction towards the United States is finally starting to pay off.

Posted by rgutwin at March 18, 2005 04:27 AM


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