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March 16, 2005

The Ditz in the Weight Room

I try very, very hard not to make a fool of myself in the gym. I know my way around the weights, and I spend the majority of my time away from them on the bike. I spent 45 minutes on the bike this morning and then ventured into the lifting section of the gym (ie, I got off the bike). As I was using one of the weight machines, I went to go put the peg in the right weight hole, and I noticed that there was no peg! So I grabbed one from the machine next to me, put it in, and didn't lift the weight at all. I thought that maybe I had been slightly too ambitious in my weight lifting goal, and I lightened the weight. Still nothing. Then I looked closer at the weight stack, and the peg was all the way down in the bottom hole! I had inadvertantly been trying to tricep press 150 kilograms, which is slightly less than 300 pounds. Um, yeah. I'm not there yet.

Posted by rgutwin at March 16, 2005 05:36 AM


150 kilograms is slightly more than 300 pounds. 150 kg x 2.2 lbs/kg is about 330 pounds, no? In any case, you're not there yet.

Posted by: Diana at March 17, 2005 01:57 PM

I've done that too :)

Posted by: mom at March 17, 2005 08:10 PM

Oops, that's what I meant. I guess I was thinking of the .44 conversion rate from pounds to kilograms, and for some reason something went seriously wrong in my head. That never happens... :-)

Posted by: Rebecca at March 18, 2005 04:19 AM

I just think that some dork put the peg in the bottom hole just to trip up ditzes like you. Kind of like putting a rubber band on the sink sprayer.

Posted by: Karl at March 21, 2005 09:00 AM

That's a good theory, but given the number of abnormally large muscles in the weight room here, I find it perfectly plausible that someone was actually bicep or tricep pressing 150 kilos...

Posted by: Rebecca at March 22, 2005 07:34 AM

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