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March 24, 2005

Warning: No Internet Access

Today commences the fall break here at the University of the Western Cape, meaning that I won't be able to get online again until Monday, April 4th. Consequently, that's the day that I also have to register for next semester at HWS. It's going to be a busy re-introduction to life at UWC.

The next four days, however, will be fairly uneventful. I might go into Cape Town on Friday night and during the day on Saturday. Since we're all going to be basically stranded at the university on Easter Sunday, our group is having a potluck where I'm assured that South African pancakes will be making an appearance, courtesy of Chequira. This means that I have to think of something to make and go to Pick and Pay on Easter to buy the materials. I'm thinking that individually wrapped chocolate eggs are looking good right now... The kitchen is going to be a disaster area on Sunday, and as I don't have a dish that I'm super enthusiastic about cooking, I'll do something simple and yummy.

So if you want to contact me before April 4th, you can't. Well, technically you can call me on Frances' cell phone, but I'm assuming that the cost-effective e-mail and blog-posting route is more appealing to most of you. I hope everyone has a great Easter filled with lots of delicious food and enjoyable company. Maybe I'll be ambitious and energetic enough to get up on Sunday morning and watch the sunrise on campus...

Posted by rgutwin at March 24, 2005 10:50 AM


What are South African pancakes? I mean, other than pancakes from South Africa?

Posted by: Diana at March 29, 2005 04:23 PM

I miss you! I wait impatiently for your return...

Posted by: mom at April 2, 2005 10:25 PM

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