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April 19, 2005

A Nuisance

My shin splints (or whatever the heck they are) are back again, unfortunately in what seems like full force. I've been trying to be so good about only running on soft surfaces, but it doesn't seem to be helping! I braved the rainy weather this morning and spent 40 minutes on the track (gasp! without my Forerunner!), until the pain in my shins got so bad that I realized it would definitely be a bad idea to continue. I don't know what to do, because biking every morning doesn't sound particularly appealing to me. Work with me, legs!

Posted by rgutwin at April 19, 2005 12:04 PM


When I had localized pain in my shins last spring, I just stopped running for a month or so. Then when I tried running again, it had gone away.

Somehow I don't think this method would work so well for you, though I wouldn't think it would work so well for me, either.

Posted by: Diana at April 19, 2005 01:44 PM

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