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April 21, 2005

A Rest Day?

For the first time in a very long time, I decided to pay attention to my body this morning and forego the daily morning training. My shins have been bothering me, I'm extraordinarily sleepy, and I'm also coming down with some sort of stomach/sore throat/general ickiness feeling. It was hard to force myself to stay in bed this morning, but I reminded myself that a sick Becca trains much less effectively than a healthy one. I wish that I had a coach around to command me to take things like rest days, because it's rather difficult for me to convince myself that I shouldn't complete a workout just because I don't feel like it. I'm hoping that I can nip this illness in the bud so I can start doing more speed training soon.

Posted by rgutwin at April 21, 2005 04:12 AM


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