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April 29, 2005

Academics and Exercise

I rarely do any of my studying or reading while I'm exercising, 1) because I find it hard to read if I'm running on a treadmill or bouncing up and down on an elliptical, and 2) because I generally don't have so much work to do that I can't get it done during the 23 hours of the day I'm not exercising. However, due to an entertaining evening last night with Frances and Crystal, I didn't get as much studying done for my combinatorics final than I initially anticipated. Thus, I spent my 45 minutes on the bike this morning reading proofs on permutations and combinations and reccurence relations and all sorts of fun stuff. I couldn't read while I lifted, although I suppose you could call that my "processing time". 8 reps again at the new-and-improved heavier percentage. Might it be 10 next week?

Posted by rgutwin at April 29, 2005 05:58 AM


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