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April 08, 2005

An Open Weekend

Alas, the weekend is upon us again, and I currently don't have any definite plans. I think it's dinner in and a movie for Frances and I this evening, which will be a rather enjoyable break for Frances from all the stress she's had this week. I don't know what's going on tomorrow, as I have several options and an apparent inability to make concrete decisions in advance. I'll probably end up wandering the streets of Cape Town somewhere, or I'll take the day to read and finish my combinatorics project.

On a completely different note, I was wandering around the gutwin.org server a while ago and found this photo:


I miss my Kismet...

Posted by rgutwin at April 8, 2005 05:09 AM


I miss you too, Becca.

Posted by: Kismet at April 8, 2005 01:57 PM

I miss you too kismet....

Posted by: anna at April 8, 2005 05:54 PM

oh, and i miss becca too....

Posted by: anna at April 8, 2005 05:55 PM

Becca - I miss you too - BUT I also am missing the answers to those questions on your HWS financial aid form - Due at your school by Friday next week! I have tried emailing you and calling over the last day, but only got to leave messages all around. Go to HWS website to get the ?s if you never received my email and email the answers to either me by tomorrow noon or Karl after that. This is the last bit of work on the financial aid forms and it's done for another year!! Your taxes are done and mailed also. I am ready for a break!! :) :) :)

Posted by: mom at April 8, 2005 10:26 PM

Thanks Becca!! I'm off to see if the rumor is true about Paris in the springtime... (our friend is still in the dark :) - oh how I love a spontaneous burst of surprize.

Posted by: mom at April 9, 2005 10:23 AM

Becca said she wouldn't be able to access Yahoo e-mail for a few days, so maybe you can send the questions to her gmail address.

Posted by: Diana at April 9, 2005 02:50 PM

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