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April 29, 2005

Another Friday Already?

My combinatorics exam went spectacular this morning, which concluded my studies of mathematics here at the University of the Western Cape. And I received some wonderful news this morning: Hobart and William Smith Colleges are going to grant me a full semester's credit for my half-a-semester course! This means that I don't need to scramble to take an extra math course my senior year. I'm very excited about this.

After some quality Crystal time this afternoon (tennis and a walk to Spar are currently in the books), I'm spending the evening indoors doing work. Tomorrow, Shaun is taking Niki and I to a cheese and wine festival! I'm also very excited about this little excursion, especially since I can taste as much cheese and wine as I want for a mere R70! I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures to share... On Sunday, more work is on my schedule, and Monday might involve some kind of exciting mini-trip off campus with one of my classes. Knowing the way South Africa functions, however, I don't expect all of these activities to actually occur, but who knows? Maybe I'll have a (busy) excellent weekend!

Posted by rgutwin at April 29, 2005 05:50 AM


Dude. Becca. Being in another country is totally messing up your grammar. Spectacularly, and Niki and me -- but apparently it's not bad for your math...

Posted by: Diana at April 29, 2005 08:05 AM

glad to hear about your credit earned! And i hope you do get to enjoy a full and exciting w/e. havefun! loveya

Posted by: mom at April 29, 2005 07:40 PM

Becca, where are you? My Monday is not complete, and neither is Monday for the rest of your family, without knowing what you did on your Monday! And now you are asleep! Nooooooooo

Posted by: Diana at May 2, 2005 02:18 PM

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