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April 05, 2005

Another Package!

Today I was gathering bread and eggs in my room to head down the hallway to make some French Toast, when Aisha walked into my room to deliver a package from Mom just in time! Enclosed was a small jar of Maple Syrup, which was definitely exactly what I've been desperately missing over here. Also included was a photo of Kismet and one of his feathers, and I'm excited that my wall is beginning to get rather full with everyone's cards, pictures, and newspaper clippings. I'll have to post a picture of it soon.

I'm sorry to announce that I've been having a bit of difficulty with my class registration and enrollment opportunities. First of all, my combinatorics course at the university here ended before fall break, and I was planning on taking another course, Intro to Number Theory, for the second half of the semester. Unfortunately, as soon as I saw the professor and sat through the first lecture, I knew that it wouldn't be a very enjoyable term for me if I remained in the course, as the professor is someone I don't have much desire to spend loads of time with. Therefore, I now need to convince HWS that my 7-week combinatorics class is equivalent to a semester-long course I would take back in Geneva. Honestly, I feel like I've learned a semester's worth of material, but I'm not sure how much it'll take for registrar to believe me...

The second issue is that I can't take acting in the fall, which was a rather disappointing realization for me. The computer system wouldn't let me register for it online, and when I tried to contact the professor, he basically told me that I should look elsewhere to fulfill my performing arts goal because he doesn't want to invest in a senior who won't contribute more to the theater program at the colleges. Frankly, this seems like an unfair discrimination to me, but I don't particularly feel like pursuing it further because it probably wouldn't be that pleasant to spend a semester with this professor who doesn't really want me anyway.

Therefore, I'm taking Tibetan Mandala Paining in the spring (hopefully) to fulfill this graduation requirement that is threatening to get the better of me. I thought of taking Intro to Drawing, but after hearing numerous horror stories, I decided to try my luck with potentially the most popular class on campus. I really hope I graduate in 13 months...

Now I need to decide what I'm going to take in the fall instead of acting. I've narrowed it down to Mathematical Logic, Accounting I, Rethinking Jesus, and potentially Creative Writing instead of banking so much on the Mandala Paining course. Let me know if any of you have any comments or suggestions, as these courses might close within a few days when more classes are allowed to register from HWS. I'm still really upset about the acting course, but there are enough interesting courses at HWS that I'm sure I'll have an enjoyable senior year.

Posted by rgutwin at April 5, 2005 11:09 AM


(1) BAH! I have this box sitting in my room with a nice little jar of maple syrup in it that I was about to send to you. Darn. Now what do I do? You certainly don't need two containers of maple syrup, do you? I don't think so. Silly "great minds think alike." Oh well, I guess one package from me was enough, anyway. And I was first. :)

(2) Now personally, I'd take Creative Writing instead of Tibetan Mandala Painting, because I really like creative writing, and besides, I like your writing (and I am in a position to know...). But we had some Tibetan monks come and make a mandala on the library floor for a week, and that was pretty cool. Plus, you can write creatively for the rest of your life, but how many opportunities are there to make Tibetan Mandala Paintings?

Posted by: Diana at April 5, 2005 01:47 PM

(1) You can send the jar anyway, because I love Maple Syrup and my mom really didn't send that much, but it is rather expensive to get things from Williamstown to Bellville...

(2) That's how I feel, too.

Posted by: Rebecca at April 5, 2005 02:59 PM

Too bad about the acting -- his loss! I hope the Mandala class is in "painting" not "paining" -- we're having a hard enough time with your American paining (ha, ha).

The Rethinking Jesus course might be very thought-provoking - have you seen the syllabus? I'd be curious to know what they're reading. The religion courses I took in college were some of the best and most memorable of all for whatever that's worth.

Good luck sorting it out!

Posted by: Beth at April 5, 2005 07:14 PM

The trouble with sending you this bottle of Maple Syrup (you Gutwins, honestly -- with Anna it's Idea, and with you it's Maple Syrup, eh?) is that 8 oz. of maple syrup weighs -- you guessed it -- eight ounces. And it costs, I don't know, five dollars per ounce or something ridiculous to send stuff to South Africa. I wish you were there longer, because then I could send it "surface" and pay less. Surface is half price. Ha, Ha, Ha. Very funny, Diana.

Posted by: Diana at April 5, 2005 11:09 PM

Sorry Diana to have beat you in the maple syrup delivery :). I actually am surprised I beat you, because I was thinking you might be onto the idea too. I really only sent her enough for a meal or two though - so she could use some more. Although... you could send Becca rocks and she would get excited. (no - forget the rocks - they weigh more...unless you send lava rock, but then you might need to travel to Hawaii and that would be expensive. Maple syrup is cheaper.)

Posted by: sharon at April 6, 2005 06:17 PM

I was thinking of sending Becca packing peanuts, because they're really light, and she promised that any kind of package would make her week. But then I realized that it would actually be cheaper to just send an empty box. I could say, "Here is some genuine American air." That would be clever.

Oh yes, I was onto the maple syrup idea. Becca also suggested that she would appreciate wrapped chocolate eggs. But I have no source for such eggs, and the smallest quantity of syrup in the store is 8 oz., which leaves me at a loss for creativity.

Posted by: Diana at April 6, 2005 11:26 PM

Hey Becca, I don't think I'm going to send you this package of maple syrup. This package was going to be significantly lamer than the first one. But I did send you a letter about 2.5 weeks ago, so that should be arriving soon, if it didn't already.

Posted by: Diana at April 13, 2005 05:40 PM

That's fine that no maple syrup (happy? :-P) is on its way. I got your letter this afternoon, which was a very pleasant distraction from all the work I've had this week! Thanks for writing...

Posted by: Rebecca at April 14, 2005 11:31 AM

All the work you've had this week? But I thought you were bored and trying to find things to do and doing pleasure reading... hmmm...

Posted by: Diana at April 17, 2005 02:59 PM

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