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April 21, 2005

Autumn? I'm Waiting for Spring...

While spring may have sprung in New England, the days are starting to get substantially cooler and damper here in Cape Town, South Africa, and it's surprisingly chillier than I expected. Granted, I'm not one of those Capetonians walking around bundled up to the extreme in a winter hat, scarf, and down jacket, but even coming from autumn experience in frigid Vermont, I must admit that this South African weather is pretty darn cold. It snowed (on the mountains, of course) the other day, and I'm starting to regret the fact that I only brought one sweatshirt, one fleece, and no winter hat in terms of warmer clothing. Poor Frances has a shelf full of tank tops that she's probably not going to get much use out of for the remainder of the semester. I'm guessing that this week has been unseasonably cold for Cape Town at this time of the year (from all the newspaper headlines and South Africans walking around like the world is about to end), so hopefully I have a few warmer days to look forward to before I depart this beautiful country in a month.

Posted by rgutwin at April 21, 2005 03:56 AM


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