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April 28, 2005

Back to the Asphalt

I decided to run yesterday, because the only other alternative was swimming, and I'm not particularly a fan of both embarassing myself in the pool and then smelling like chlorine for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, there was something going on at the track for the day, so I spent 40 minutes running around campus.

This morning, I decided to run again as an alternative to swimming and biking, but this time I spent about half of my 45 minute run on the track. My shin pain is somewhat bizarre: it comes and goes during my run, and only feels particularly excruciating when I stop sometimes. I don't get it...

Posted by rgutwin at April 28, 2005 05:15 AM


If you're running fast, it could be that your endorphins (or if that is pop science, then something else) make you not feel it when you're running, and the pain only shows itself when you stop.

Posted by: Diana at April 28, 2005 09:35 AM

But I'm not running particularly fast...

Posted by: Rebecca at April 28, 2005 09:46 AM

Yeah well by "running fast" I mean like sub-8:30 or something; it's all relative... I don't really know what it takes to make your endorphins kick in; if your heart rate is sky-high they might be kicking in at whatever speed you're running.

Posted by: Diana at April 28, 2005 01:10 PM

when you are running, concentrate on how your lower legs feel when you change some things slightly - like - try relaxing your anterior muscles on swing phase (let your feet drop slightly after push-off and before heel strike, but obviously not enough to trip over!) Try hitting the ground more in mid, outer sole (if you run fast enough - it should be your toes). Try letting your fore foot down faster on heel strike (if jogging slower and landing on your heels). Try running very slightly on more of the outside of your soles (be very careful not to over do and sprain your ankle!) and lastly - try toeing a slight bit more when running. See if anything changes your symptoms.

Posted by: mom at April 29, 2005 08:09 PM

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