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April 11, 2005

Changing it Up a Bit

This morning, after I braved the rainstorm raging outside, I spent some time on the bike before lifting. Instead of doing my usual 45-60 mintues, though, I did a 53 minute pyramid. It wasn't as painful as it usually is on the erg or on the water, but it was better than all of the steady state I've been doing.

At Asim's apartment this weekend, I noticed that he had a rowing machine in his game/exercise/telescope room. I wasn't a Concept II, and after I sat down on it briefly, I wasn't super impressed. Something about the whole metal bike-chain thing is much more appealing than a piece of fabric attached to the handle... I guess that it makes sense that Concept IIs aren't super common over here, since they're made in the wonderfully small state of Vermont.

Posted by rgutwin at April 11, 2005 08:05 AM


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